Meet The People Who Make Leif’s Great: Jason F.
By: Staff Writer
August 31st, 2011
Meet The People Who Make Leif’s Great: Jason F.

Jason has been a professional auto collision
repair  technician at Leif’s for 20
years, but he is also an accomplished artist and a talented singer.  When you meet Jason, his natural
enthusiasm for life is right there on the surface.


“My dad used to ask me to grin for him – he wanted to see if
anyone had knocked my teeth out yet, because I imitate people when I’m telling
stories,” he says.


Jason rises every morning at 3 AM at his family’s home near
Dallas and drives more than an hour to Leif’s Tigard headquarters. “My wife and
I wanted to raise our kids in the kind of environment where we grew up. A
little more rural,” Jason says.


Jason F.


Once at work, Jason tackles some of the toughest repairs
that come in to Leif’s. At his work station, Jason always has a radio playing
country music, and he likes to sing along as he works. “The other guys started
telling me they liked my singing, and I thought they were just teasing me,”
Jason says. “But a couple years ago at the Christmas party, they had karaoke
and I went up and sang, and before you know it I was up there again and again,
all evening.”


In addition to his singing voice, Jason is known for his
outstanding metal artwork, including the Leif’s logo that hangs in the customer
lounge in Tigard. “I have kind of a secret process for adding colors to metal,
so I design the shapes and cut them out, then put the different colors on them
– it’s a nice effect and it’s a little different than what other artists do,”
Jason says.


Leif's Logo


So if you find yourself at Leif’s main campus in Tigard, you
can find Jason working in the back of the body shop. He’s easy to locate – just
follow the singing and look for the happiest guy in the room.

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